The Art Of Encouragement Approach

This post looks at one approach to the art of encouragement. Read more

The Enjoyment Of Encouraging People Approach

This post looks at the enjoyment of encouraging people. Read more

The Doing Your Best At The Village Hall Or The Carnegie Hall Approach

Great workers follow the mantra that excellence is a habit. They aim to deliver high standards whether performing at the Village Hall or the Carnegie Hall.

Great educators aim to deliver superb sessions whether Read more

The Managing Knowledge Workers Approach

This article comes with a caveat. Many knowledge workers are almost unmanageable, but there is also good news. It is possible to manage the contributions of knowledge workers to achieve a compelling goal.

Some Read more

The Introvert Approach

Susan Cain and Jennifer Kahnweiler have, together with many others, shown the valuable contribution made by introverts. David Zweig has highlighted the fine work done by self-effacing people who sometimes prefer to be invisible.

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The Boxing Off A Challenge Approach

This piece focuses on how you can carry on with your life whilst boxing off a challenge. Read more