Here is an overview of all the posts on the website.
Posts by category
- Articles From The Positive Encourager's Book
- The A, B, C Approach To Shaping Your Future Career
- The Absorption, Adventure And Achievement Approach
- The Accountability, Autonomy And Authority Approach
- The Achievement Approach
- The Act As If You Are The Person You Want To Be Approach
- The Adding To A Person’s Repertoire Approach
- The Adrenaline Driven People Approach
- The Adults In The Room Rather Than The Adolescents In The Room Approach
- The Aiming To Win But Not Being Afraid Not To Win Approach
- The Alignment Approach
- The Appreciative Inquiry Approach
- The Appropriate Urgency Approach
- The Architect, Builder And Craft Worker Approaches
- The Are You Serious? Approach
- The Art Of Encouragement Approach
- The Artistic, Beautiful And Creative Approach
- The Asking What? Rather Than Why? Approach
- The Assets Approach Rather Than The Angst Approach
- The Attacking The Day Approach Rather Than The Anxious Approach
- The Awareness, Application And Achievement Approach
- The Back Story, Building On Strengths And Brilliant Work In The Future Approach
- The Battle-Hardened, Brightness And Brilliant Work Approach
- The Beating The Double Bind Approach
- The Being Committed To The Core Values Of Your Craft Approach
- The Being Creative Within Borders Rather Than The Blank Piece Of Paper Approach
- The Being Focused On The Big Goal And Bypassing Any Noise Approach
- The Being Grateful For Being Granted Time Approach
- The Being in Your Element Approach
- The Being Positive And Professional But Not Trying To Persuade Approach
- The Being The Best You Can Be Rather Than Being The Best Approach
- The Beliefs, Basics And Brilliance Approach
- The Boxing Off A Challenge Approach
- The Builder Approach Rather Than The Blamer Approach
- The Building A Self-Managing Team Approach
- The Building On The Positive People In An Organisation Approach
- The Building On What People Can Do Rather Than What They Can’t Do Approach
- The Building Positive Leadership Teams Across The Organisation Approach
- The Building Something Beautiful Approach
- The Calmness Being A Clue To Your Strengths Approach
- The Campaigners, Coordinators And Completer-Finishers Approach
- The Capability, Concentration And Concrete Results Approach
- The Caring And Competent Approach
- The Caring Approach
- The Caring Approach And The Cruel Approach
- The Caring Curve Approach
- The Caring, Consistent, Creative, Confusing And Callous Culture Approaches
- The Carrot, Contract And Commitment Approach
- The Catching People Doing Something Right Approach
- The Cause Driven Approach
- The Changing Behaviour By Focusing On The Consequences Approach
- The Channelling Your Champ Rather Than Your Chimp Approach
- The Channelling Your Personality Rather Than Changing Your Personality Approach
- The Choice Therapy Approach
- The Choices And Consequences Approach
- The Choosing To Be A Creator Rather Than A Complainer Approach
- The Choosing Your Attitude Approach
- The Circle Of Feeling, Talking And Doing Approach
- The Circles Of Compassion Approach
- The Clarifying The Actual Words You Would Like Your Stakeholders Saying Approach
- The Clarifying The Brief Properly Approach
- The Clarifying The Script You Want To Follow In A Challenging Situation Approach
- The Clarifying What A Company Can Do, Maybe Can Do And Can’t Do Approach
- The Clarifying What You Can And Can’t Expect In A Culture Approach
- The Clarifying Your Moral Compass For Helping People Achieve Their Goals Approach
- The Clarifying Your Perfect Role Approach
- The Clarifying Your Script For Answering Caring Enquiries Approach
- The Clarity, Consistently High Standards And Class Approach
- The Clarity, Creativity And Concrete Results Approach
- The Class Act Approach
- The Clear Contracting About How To Help A Person In Challenging Times Approach
- The Clear Contracting Approach
- The Clear Thinking Time, Creative Time And Cruise Control Time Approaches
- The Coaching Contract Approach
- The Comfort, Clarity And Class Approach
- The Committing To The Commitment Approach
- The Common Goals, Coexistence And Conflict Approaches
- The Communicating One-To-One, One-To-Few And One-To-Many Approaches
- The Communicating The Concept And The Concrete Approach
- The Communicating The Guidelines For Thriving In A Culture Approach
- The Communicating With Architects, Builders And Craftsmen Approach
- The Communicating Your Leadership Style To People Approach
- The Considered Approach Rather Then The Clichés Approach
- The Consistently High Standards Approach Rather Than The Chaotic Approach
- The Contentment Approach
- The Continuous Development Approach
- The Contracting With Yourself Before Contracting With Other People Approach
- The Control, Cocooning And Creative Work Approach
- The Cooperation, Creative Solutions And Conflict Approaches
- The Coordination Approach
- The Core Principles Approach Rather Than The Comparison Approach
- The Cottage, Castle And Cathedral Approach
- The Counselling Approach
- The Courageous Approach
- The Craft Approach
- The Creating A Common Language Approach
- The Creating Space In Your Life Approach
- The Creative Addictions Approach
- The Creative Decision Making Approach
- The Creative Drive Approach
- The Creative Fix Approach
- The Creative Problem-Solving Approach
- The Creativity, Customers And Cash Approach
- The Culture Handbook Approach
- The Currency Curve Approach
- The Custodians Of The Culture Approach
- The Customised Career Coaching Approach
- The Cutting Through Crowdedness Approach
- The Deciding, Doing And Delivering Approach
- The Decision Makers, Drivers And Deliverers Approach
- The Decision Making Authority Approach
- The Decisive Moments Approach
- The Deep Work Approach
- The Defining What A Person Actually Does And Delivers Approach
- The Delighted, Driven And Dramatic Approaches
- The Delivering The Scorecard Whilst Also Doing Stimulating Projects Approach
- The Design Process Of Feel, Imagine, Do And Share Approach
- The Design, Development And Delivery Approach
- The Destination Approach
- The Developing Through Experiences Approach
- The Development Approach Rather Than The Decline Approach
- The Development By Doing Your Best When Dealing With Challenges Approach
- The Deviant Who Overdelivers Approach
- The Discipline To Deal With Dramas Approach
- The Doing Beautiful Things During Boring Or Battling Times Approach
- The Doing Both The Comfortable And Not So Comfortable Things Approach
- The Doing Fulfilling Work And Finding Funding Approach
- The Doing Good Work By Organising Your Time In Blocks Approach
- The Doing Positive Things During Our Time On The Planet Approach
- The Doing Your Best At The Village Hall Or The Carnegie Hall Approach
- The Doing Your Best One Day At A Time Towards The Destination Approach
- The Doing Your Best Whilst Dealing With Delights And Disappointments Approach
- The Doing Your Due Diligence Before Making A Decision Approach
- The Drive It, Delegate It And Ditch It Approach
- The Drive To Make Difficult Decisions And Deliver The Goods Approach
- The Driven Approach
- The Duty Driven Approach
- The Earning Things Approach Rather Than The Entitlement Approach
- The Earning Trust Approach
- The Effectiveness Approach Rather Than Just The Efficiency Approach
- The Effortless Effort Approach
- The Emotional Approach And The Evidence Based Approach
- The Encouragement Approach Rather Than The Ego Approach
- The Encouragement, Educator, Enablement And Enforcement Approach
- The Encouragers And Stoppers Approach
- The Encouraging Team Members To Share Their Preferred Working Styles Approach
- The Enjoyable And Effective Educational Session Approach
- The Enjoyable Approach Rather Than The Exploited Approach
- The Enjoyable, Exciting And Exhilarating Approach
- The Enjoying Things Approach Rather Than The Enduring Things Approach
- The Enjoyment Of Encouraging People And Evolving Approach
- The Enjoyment Of Encouraging People Approach
- The Enjoyment, Effectiveness And Excellence Approach
- The Enjoyment, Encouragement And Excellence Approach
- The Enlightenment, Enterprise And Excellence Approach
- The Enthusiasm, Enterprise And Excellence Approach
- The Entrepreneurs, Engineers And Entrepreneurs Who Are Also Engineers Approaches
- The Entrepreneurs, Experts And Eager Beavers Approach
- The Entrepreneurship, Engine And Excellence Approach
- The Establishing Credibility Approach
- The Everything Is Food Approach
- The Excellence Culture Approach Rather Than The Excuse Culture Approach
- The Exhilarating Approach
- The Expanding Your Comfort Zone Approach
- The Exponential Climb From 7/10 To 10/10 Approach
- The Facilitation Approach
- The Facts Are Friendly Approach
- The Fair Fighter And Dirty Fighter Approaches
- The Fair Fighters Rather Than Dirty Fighters Approach
- The Fallow Times Can Be Fruitful Times Approach
- The Feed Forward Approach Rather Than Just The Feedback Approach
- The Feeling In Control Approach
- The Feeling Liberated By Limits Approach
- The Feelings, Facts And Future Approach
- The Fertile Ground, Fallow Ground And Frozen Ground Approaches
- The Filling A Vacuum With A Vision Approach
- The Find A Need And Fill It Approach
- The Finding Inspiration Approach
- The Finding Your Niche Approach
- The Finding Yourself, Accepting Yourself And Forgetting Yourself Approach
- The Finishing Successfully Approach
- The Five Seasons Of Life Approach
- The Flow Approach Rather Than The Fight Or Flight Approach
- The Flow, Focus And Fulfilment Approach
- The Focusing On The Goal Rather Than The Goalkeeper Approach
- The Focusing On The Positive Parts Of People, Teams And Organisations Approach
- The Focusing On The Results To Achieve Rather Than The Running Commentary Approach
- The Focusing On The Technical Approach Rather Than The Temperament Approach
- The Focusing On Where You Have Self-Discipline Approach
- The Focusing On Your Lifetime Picture of Success Approach
- The Follow Up Questions Approach To Finding Out More About A Person
- The Following Your Principles Rather Than Worrying About The Prizes Approach
- The Following Your Principles When Managing Problems Approach
- The Following Your Rhythm Approach
- The Following Your Successful Leadership Style Approach
- The Following Your Tradition Approach
- The Forecasting The Future Feeling Approach
- The Frameworks For Fulfilment Approach
- The Framing Conversations Approach
- The Freedom Approach Rather Than The Fearful Approach
- The Front Loading To Improve Finishing Approach
- The Fulfilling Approach Rather Than The Fame Approach
- The Fun, Freedom And Fulfilment Approach
- The Future Press Release Approach
- The Gaining Strength By Choosing Something To Serve Approach
- The Game Plan Approach
- The Game-Changing Approach
- The Generosity Approach Rather Than The Greed Approach
- The Generous Guide Approach
- The Genuine Approach
- The Getting Responses After Presenting The Team’s Strategy Approach
- The Getting Work By Going Out And Helping People To Succeed Approach
- The Giving To Future Generations Approach
- The Giving Tough Messages To A Team Member Approach
- The Gold Medal Mentality Approach
- The Good Orchestrator Approach
- The Grateful Approach Rather Than The Grumpy Approach
- The Gratitude, Generosity And Good Work Approach
- The Grunt Work, Good Work And Great Work Approach
- The Gumption Approach
- The Happiness Approach
- The Health, Hope And Happiness Approach
- The Heart, Head And Hands Approach
- The Helping People Rather Than Hurting People Approach
- The Helping People To Improve Rather Than Trying To Prove A Point Approach
- The Helping Somebody To Follow Their Successful Style Approach
- The History, Highlights And Hopes Approach
- The How Are You Choosing To Feel Today? Approach
- The How Can I Use This Feeling? Approach
- The Humble, Honest And Hard-Working Approach
- The Ideological, Inspirational And Implementation Approaches
- The Implementing A Mentoring Programme In Your Organisation Approach
- The Importance Of Imagination Approach
- The Improving By Working At A Higher Level Approach
- The Improving The Percentage Chances Of Success Approach
- The In Order To Finish First, First You Have To Finish Approach
- The Incubation Approach
- The Individual, Inspiring And Institutional Approaches
- The Inner Work And The Outer Work Involved In Doing Satisfying Work Approch
- The Innovation Taking Place Away From The Institution Approach
- The Inspiration, Implementation And Integration Approach
- The Inspiring Approach Rather Than The Intimidating Approach
- The Introvert Approach
- The Joyful, Judgemental And Being A Good Judge In Certain Situations Approaches
- The Keep, Add And Do Differently Approach
- The Learner Learns What The Learner Wants To Learn Approach
- The Liberating Beliefs Approach Rather Than Limiting Beliefs Approach
- The Locus Of Control Approach
- The Lopsided Personality Approach
- The Maintaining Control By Following The Managing By Outcomes Approach
- The Maintaining Your Agility Approach
- The Maintenance, Magical And Miserable Approaches
- The Majority Gains Before The Marginal Gains Approach
- The Making A Positive Contribution During Your Time On The Planet Approach
- The Making Complicated Things Simple Approach
- The Making Learning Personal, Practical And Profitable Approach
- The Making Learning Real, Relevant And Rewarding Approach
- The Making Physical, Psychological And Philosophical Changes Approach
- The Making Use Of Your Good Fortune Approach
- The Making Use Of Your High Sensitivity Approach
- The Managing Knowledge Workers Approach
- The Managing Post-Purpose Syndrome Approach
- The Managing Pressure Situations Approaches
- The Managing Promotion Requests Approach
- The Managing Rome Approach
- The Managing Transitions Between Activities And Being Totally Engaged Approach
- The Managing Triggers Approach
- The Managing Your Development Approach
- The Managing Your Manager Approach
- The Managing Your Obsessions Approach
- The Managing Your Professional World Approach
- The Mantras Approach
- The Matter Of Fact Approach Rather Than The Melodramatic Approach
- The Measured Approach Rather Than The Melodramatic Approach
- The Meeting Individuals When Taking Over A Team Approach
- The Memory Of The Future Approach
- The Mentee Making Good Use Of Mentoring Sessions Approach
- The Mentoring Approach
- The Misfits Who Sometimes Make Magic Approach
- The Mission And Mortgage Approach
- The Mission, Maintenance And Marvellous Work Approach
- The Momentum Approach
- The Money, Meaning And Magic Approach
- The Monotasking Approach And The Multitasking Approach
- The Moving Beyond Striving And Surviving To Thriving Approach
- The Moving From Being A Shaper To Being A Supplier Approach
- The Moving From Mourning To Mobilising To Marvellous Work Approach
- The Natural Talent, Knowledge And Nous Approach
- The Never Walk Past A Quality Problem Approach
- The Numbers Approach To Get To The Heart Of The Matter
- The Obligations, Options And Outstanding Work Approach
- The Obsessive Compulsive Discipline Approach
- The One Year To Live Approach
- The Opportunities Approach Rather Than The Obstacles Approach
- The Originators, Orchestrators And Operators Approaches
- The Overview Approach
- The Pacesetter’s Approach
- The Pacing Yourself Properly Approach
- The Partnership Approach Rather Than The Provocative Approach
- The Passing On Experience Approach
- The Passing On Knowledge From Experience Approach
- The Passion, Professionalism And Perspective Approaches
- The Past Focused, Present Focused And Positive Future Focused Approaches
- The Pattern Recognition Approach
- The Pausing, Preparing And Performing Superbly Approach
- The Peak Performance Programmes Approaches
- The Peak Performer’s Path Approach
- The Peak Performers Who Demonstrate Paradoxes Approach
- The Peaking When It Matters Approach
- The People Choosing To Change Their Behaviour Because They Will Benefit Approach
- The People Leaders Being Judged By Their People’s Performance Approach
- The People Wanting To Pursue A Purpose Approach
- The People Who Aim To Inspire People Rather Than Impress People Approach
- The People Who Follow Their Principles During Positive And Problematic Times Approach
- The People Who Have Different Kinds Of Advantages Approach
- The People Who Help To Build A Positive Planet Approach
- The People Who Perform Better At A Higher Level Approach
- The People Working Together By Focusing On The Third Side Approach
- The People’s Aspirations Approach
- The People’s Drives Approach
- The People’s Responsibilities In Working Towards The Picture Of Success Approach
- The Perfect Days Approach
- The Person Writing Questions You Can Ask To Find Out More About Them Approach
- The Perverse Good Advice To Sometimes Take A Job That Is Really Painful Approach
- The Physical, Psychological And Philosophical Health Approaches
- The Picture Of Success Approach
- The Play, Principles And Positive Results Approach
- The Pleasure Approach Rather Than The Pain Approach
- The Pleasure Approach Rather Than The Pressure Approach
- The Pleasure Of Helping People To Achieve Positive Results Approach
- The Pluses And Minuses Approach Rather Than The Risks And Rewards Approach
- The Positive Achiever Approach
- The Positive Addictions Approach Rather Than The Negative Addictions Approach
- The Positive Approach
- The Positive Approach Rather Than The Poisonous Approach
- The Positive Attitude Approach Rather Than The Paralysed By Angst Approach
- The Positive Circles Rather Than Negative Circles Approach
- The Positive Encourager’s Book – A Book Of Practical Tools You Can Use In Your Way
- The Positive Energy Approach
- The Positive Experiences Approach
- The Positive Future After PTSD Approach
- The Positive Goal Approach Rather Than The Wrong Problem Approach
- The Positive Leadership Approach
- The Positive Memories For Life Approach
- The Positive Modelling Approach Rather Than The Preaching Approach
- The Positive Paradigm Approach
- The Positive Patterns Approach
- The Positive Places Approach Rather Than The Poisonous Places Approach
- The Positive Pragmatist Approach Rather Than The Observer Critic Approach
- The Positive Reframing Approach
- The Positive Scripting Approach
- The Positive Self Approach Rather Than The Negative Self Approach
- The Positive Sequences Rather Than Negative Sequences Approach
- The Positive Spirit Approach To Encouraging People
- The Positive Suggestions Approach Rather Than The Personal Criticism Approach
- The Positive Teams Approach
- The Positive Things Approach And The Poisonous Things Approach
- The Positive Things You Want To Give People During Your Time On The Planet Approach
- The Positive Work Approach
- The Positive Work Approach Rather Than The Paralysed By Worry Approach
- The Positive, Percentage And Paralysis Approaches
- The Positive, Professional And Peak Performers Approach
- The Positively Engaged Approach
- The Pot Fillers And Pot Drillers Approach
- The Potential Career Paths Approach
- The Predictability Approach
- The Predicting How A Person Will Probably Behave In A Future Situation Approach
- The Principles Approach To Shaping Your Professional Career
- The Principles Driven Approach Rather Than The Personality Driven Approach
- The Priority Management Approach
- The Professional Deal Approach
- The Professional Freelancer Approach
- The Professional Guarantee Approach
- The Professional Partnerships Approach
- The Professional Success Approach
- The Progress Approach
- The Promoting Love Approach Rather Than The Promoting Violence Approach
- The Protecting A Culture Approach
- The Purpose, Principles And Peace Approach
- The Putting In A Shift Approach
- The Radar, Repertoire And Results Approach
- The Raw Talent, Routine And Results
- The Rebuilding Your Team By Focusing On Who You Would Rehire Approach
- The Recentering Approach
- The Recognising That You Are Always On Stage Approach
- The Recognising There Are Virtually Always Solutions Approach
- The Recognising Warning Signs Approach
- The Recognising Where You Quickly See ‘Z’ Approach
- The Redemption Approach
- The Reframing A Challenging Boss As An External Customer Approach
- The Relax, Rhythm And Results Approach
- The Relaxed Relentlessness Approach
- The Reprieve Approach
- The Resourceful Approach Rather Than The Resentful Approach
- The Resourceful, Resilient And Results Focused Approach
- The Respecting A Challenge Approach
- The Rewarding Role Approach
- The Rewarding The Behaviour You Want Repeated Approach
- The Right Strategy Approach
- The Rising To The Occasion Approach
- The Rolling Contract Questions Approach
- The Routine, Randomness And Results Approach
- The Sage’s Journey Approach
- The Sages Who Are Both Skipping And Serious Approach
- The Sanctuary, Shaping And Success Approach
- The Scanning To Achieve Success Approach
- The Second Empathy Approach
- The Second Simplicity Approach
- The Seeing Obstacles As Opportunities For Achieving Certain Outcomes Approach
- The Seeing Success Approach
- The Sense Of Peace Approach
- The Sense Of Perspective Approach
- The Sense Of Wonder Approach
- The Serving People Approach Rather Than The Self-Promoting Approach
- The Serving The Song Approach
- The Setbacks As A Springboard To Success Approach
- The Setting The Tone When Taking Over A Team Approach
- The Setting Things Up To Succeed Approach
- The Seven S Model For Helping People To Build On Their Strengths
- The Shapers Who Stay Ahead Of The Game And Deliver Success Approach
- The Shapers, Spine And Specialists Approach
- The Sharing What Works Approach
- The Sharing Your Knowledge In A Way That Helps People To Succeed Approach
- The Sign Up, Show Up And Step Up Approach
- The Similarity Of Spirit And Diversity Of Strengths Approach
- The Simple, Satisfying And Successful Approach
- The Sink Or Swim, Sideshow And Serious Plan Approaches To Starting A Business
- The Slow Thinking Approach
- The Solid Ground And Dangerous Ground Approach
- The Solid Work, Satisfying Work And Stimulating Work Approaches
- The Solidity, Sparkle And Success Approach
- The Soul Players And Star Players Approach
- The Soul Work And Salary Work Approach
- The Spectacular Work Approach
- The Spending Time In Sanctuaries Approach
- The Spirit, Savvy And Success Approach
- The Spring Cleaning Your Life Approach
- The Stability, Stimulation And Success Approach
- The STAGE Model Of Leadership Approach
- The Stamina, Speed And Success Approach
- The Star Teams Approach Rather Than The Team Of Stars Approach
- The Start Doing Rather Than Stop Doing Approach
- The Staying Calm And Doing Superb Work When Something Big Is At Stake Approach
- The Stimulating Challenge Approach
- The Stimulating Sanctuary Approach
- The Strategic Intuition Approach
- The Strategic Thinkers And Specialist Thinkers Approach
- The Strategies That Work Approach Rather Than The Just Showing Up Approach
- The Strengths And Suggestions Approach To Helping People To Achieve Success
- The Strengths Approach To Doing Satisfying Work
- The Strengths Approach To Encouraging People
- The Strengths Coaching Approach
- The Strengths, Satisfying Work And Success Approach
- The Stress Testing The Strategies Approach
- The Style, Substance And Success Approach
- The Successful Recruitment Approaches
- The Supporting People’s Sparks Approach
- The Supporting The Positive Spirit In People Approach
- The Surfing Successes And Setbacks On The Way Towards Achieving Success Approach
- The Surfing The Sigmoid Curve Approach
- The Sweet Spot Approach
- The Taking Action To Shape The Future During Turbulent Times Approach
- The Taking Charge Of Transitions Approach
- The Taking Control Approach
- The Taking Responsibility Approach
- The Team Coach, Individual Coach And Specialist Coach Approaches
- The Team Contracting Approach
- The Tenacity Approach
- The Things In Your Life That Are In The Green, Amber And Red Zones Approach
- The Things In Your Team That Are In The Green, Amber And Red Zones Approach
- The Third Alphabet Approach
- The Three C Approach To Creative Problem Solving
- The Three Pronged Approach To Shaping Future Your Career
- The Three Waves Approach To Shifting A Culture
- The Tight Loose Tight Loose Approach
- The Today’s Business And Tomorrow’s Business Approach
- The Together Approach Rather Than The Tribal Approach
- The Tremendous Work Approach
- The Trusted Advisor Approach
- The Turnaround, Transformational And Transactional Leadership Approaches
- The Understanding The Picture Inside A Person’s Head Approach
- The Using Numbers To Get To The Heart of The Matter Approach
- The Using Your Strengths To Help People To Achieve Success Approach
- The Values Driven Organisation Approach
- The Vocation Approach
- The Vulnerability Can Be A Great Teacher Approach
- The Warrior Wizard Approach
- The What You Focus On You Become Approach
- The Where Things Come Easily Approach
- The Wholistic Approach To Wellbeing, Work And Wealth
- The Will Before Skill Approach
- The Will Power And Way Power Approach
- The Win-Win Approach
- The Wins For The Company, Customers And Colleagues Approach
- The Words We Use Can Shape The Feelings We Have Approach
- The Work Time And Wandering Time Approach
- Choosing To Be Positive
- A is for Axiom News: Producing Journalism That Gives People Hope
- B is for Jill Bolte Taylor: Her Stroke Of Insight
- C is for Clayton M. Christensen: How Will You Measure Your Life?
- D is for Design For Change: Enabling Children To Shape The Future
- E is for Bengt Elmen: Decide Your Destiny
- H is for Alice Herz-Sommer: Her View That Life Is Beautiful
- H is for Phil Hansen: Embracing Our Limits Can Enable Us To Be Creative
- H is for Todd Henry: Doing Your Best In Life
- J is for Steve Jobs: Commencement Speech At Stanford In 2005
- K is for Daniel Kahneman: Personal Memories And Peak-End Theory
- K is for Kindness Education Workshops
- M is for Alice And Richard Matzki: The Art Of Aging
- M is for Natalie Mead: Recovering From Setbacks
- N is for Sherwin Nuland: Healing And Hope
- P is for Kristin Powers: Facing Possible Huntingdon’s Disease
- R is for J.K. Rowling: Talking At Harvard About Building On Your Assets
- S is for Alanna Shaikh: How I’m Preparing To Get Alzheimer’s Disease
- S is for Sparknews: Sharing Solutions And Stories Of Positive Change
- S is for Stories For Hope: Young Rwandans Overcoming A Violent Legacy
- S is for Zach Sobiech: “You don’t have to find out you are dying to start living.”
- T is for Kathleen Taylor: Learning From Working With The Dying
- T is for Robert Thurman: Being Joyful, Even If They Kill You
- U is for Ben Underwood: Seeing Without Eyes
- U is for Michael Ungar: Developing Resilience In Children
- V is for George Vaillant: Positive Aging
- V is for The VIA Institute: Positive Education And Character Strengths
- W is for Bronnie Ware: Learning From The Top Five Regrets Of The Dying
- W is for We The Change: Inspiring Young People In Kenya
- W is for What Kids Can Do
- W is for World Savvy: Helping Young People Become Global Citizens
- Choosing To Build A Positive Planet
- A is for Ashoka’s Remarkable Work Supporting Social Entrepreneurs
- A is for The Acumen Fund: Enabling People To Shape Their Futures
- B is for B Lab: Helping People To Build B Corps
- B is for Peter Benenson: Giving Birth To Amnesty International
- B is for Richard St. Barbe Baker: A Life Planting Trees
- C is for David Cooperrider: Appreciative Inquiry And Helping Humanity To Develop
- C is for The Case Foundation: Helping People Improve The World
- E is for Echoing Green: Unleashing Talent To Solve World Problems
- E is for The Elders: Sharing Wisdom To Build A Better World
- G is for Good: A Global Community Of People Who Give A Damn
- H is for The Haller Foundation: Enabling Life To Flourish
- L is for John Dennis Liu: Hope In A Changing Climate
- M is for Ellen MacArthur: The Circular Economy
- M is for Robert Muller: His Work On Building A Better World
- M is for Wangari Maathai: Planting Hope By Planting Trees
- R is for The International Rehabilitation Council For Torture Victims
- R is for The Right Livelihood Awards
- S is for Jack Sim (Mr. Toilet): The World Toilet Organization
- S is for The Schwab Foundation For Social Entrepreneurship
- S is for The Skoll Foundation: Supporting Social Entrepreneurs
- U is for The Unreasonable Group: Entrepreneurs Tackling Big Issues
- Choosing To Do Positive Work
- A is for Nicholas Albery: His Pioneering Work With Social Inventions
- A is for Thomas Armstrong: Enabling Special-Needs Students Flourish
- B is for Adam Braun: Pencils Of Promise
- B is for Penny Brohn: Her Pioneering Work For People With Cancer
- C is for Candy Chang: Making Cities More Emotional
- C is for Jim Collins: Level 5 Leadership
- C is for Susan Cain: The Power Of Introverts
- D is for Alec And Mora Dickson: The Joy Of Being Able To Serve
- D is for Archie Duncanson: Publishing ‘Ecology Begins At Home’
- D is for Bryan Dik: Finding And Following Your Calling
- D is for Carol Dweck: Growth Mindsets And Fixed Mindsets
- D is for Hubert And Stuart Dreyfus: Going From Novice To Expert
- E is for Edutopia: An Inspirational Source For Educators
- E is for Expeditionary Learning: An Approach That Works In Schools
- F is for Daniel Forrester: Consider – Take The Time To Making Decisions
- F is for Fauzia Minallah: The Funkor Child Art Center
- F is for Felines: A Gift Of Love – Strengths Style
- G is for Arvind Gupta: Turning Trash Into Toys For Learning
- G is for Elizabeth Gilbert: The Gifts You Have Are On Loan To You
- G is for The Green School Bali: Inspiring Students To Care For The Planet
- H is for HomeSmiths: A Journey Towards Doing Fulfilling Work
- H is for Neil Hawkes: Values-based Education in Schools
- J is for Jungle Crows: Enabling Young People To Develop Through Sport
- K is for Alan Kay: Creativity
- K is for Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: Her Work On Death And Dying
- K is for Johann Olav Koss: The Right To Play Movement
- K is for Kanchi: Unleashing The Abilities Of People With Disabilities
- K is for Kids Are Heroes: Encouraging Kids To Build A Better World
- K is for Tom Kelley: ‘The Orbiting Man’ And Everybody Being An Artist
- L is for Charles Leadbeater: Educational Innovation From The Slums
- L is for Liberation Chocolate: Rehabilitating Child Soldiers
- M is for David Maister: Being A Trusted Advisor And A True Professional
- M is for Greg Mort: The Art Of Stewardship
- M is for Maggie’s Centres: Empowering People With Cancer
- M is for Magic Bus: Encouragement From Childhood To Livelihood
- M is for MakeChangeTV: A Web-TV Platform For Social Innovation
- M is for Menlo Innovations: Building An Intentionally Joyful Culture
- M is for Sugata Mitra: Let Us Build A School In The Cloud
- N is for A.S. Neill: Talking About Summerhill
- P is for Daniel Pink: Factors That Motivate Us To Perform Fine Work
- P is for Lluis Pareras: Five Keys To Success For Social Entrepreneurs
- P is for Maria Popova: Brain Pickings And Sharing Creativity With The World
- P is for Pioneers Post: Showing People Who Are Building A Better World
- P is for Rita F. Pierson: Every Child Needs A Champion
- P is for The Partnership For 21st Century Skills
- R is for Anita Roddick: Pioneering The Way
- S is for Dame Cicely Saunders: Her Work For The Hospice Movement
- S is for Jonah Sachs: The Power Of Positive Stories To Change The World
- S is for Peter Senge: We Are Part Of A Living System
- S is for Solutions Journalism
- S is for Streetfootballworld: Empowering People Across The World
- S is for The Specialist People Foundation: The Strengths Of Autism
- T is for The Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet And Profit
- T is for Toybank: Giving Back The Right To Childhood
- T is for Trash To Cash
- V is for Chad Varah: His Work With The Samaritans
- V is for Dr. Govindappa Venkataswamy: Sharing The Gift Of Sight
- Choosing To Follow Positive Philosophies
- A is for Altruism
- A is for James Allen: His Approach To Having A Positive Attitude
- A is for Sylvia Ashton-Warner: Her Pioneering Approach In Education
- A is for The Action For Happiness Movement
- A is for Thomas Armstrong: His Pioneering Work In Education
- B is for Building Bridges For Peace
- B is for Peter Benson: His Work Helping People To Find Their Sparks
- B is for Richard Bolles: Helping People To Do Satisfying Work
- B is for Ron Berger: Building An Ethic of Excellence In Education
- B is for Tal Ben-Shahar: Happiness
- C is for Don Clifton: His Work On Strengths And With Gallup
- C is for Émile Coué: The Power Of Positive Autosuggestion
- C is for Norman Cousins: Using Positive Emotions To Tackle Illnesses
- D is for John Dewey: His Approach To Education
- D is for The Dalai Lama: Being Calm In The Face of Adversity
- E is for Empathy: The Future of Humanity Depends On Empathy
- E is for Existential Psychology
- E is for Robert Emmons: His Work On Gratitude
- F is for Friedrich Froebel: His Educational Work And Legacy
- F is for Piero Ferrucci: The Power Of Kindness And Beauty
- F is for Roger Fisher: His Work On Negotiation
- F is for Viktor Frankl: His Work On Meaning
- G is for Robert Greenleaf: The Greenleaf Center And Servant Leadership
- G is for The Greater Good Science Center: Science of a Meaningful Life
- H is for Bernard Haldane: His Pioneering Work On Strengths
- H is for Carl Honoré: Slowness Can Improve The Quality Of Our Lives
- H is for Joseph Campbell’s View Of The Heroic Journey
- H is for Sheldon Horowitz: The Strengths Within Learning Disabilities
- H is for The Humanistic Psychology Approach
- J is for Sidney Jourard: His Work On The Transparent Self
- L is for George Lyward: His Pioneering Work With Young People
- L is for Richard Leider: The Power Of Purpose
- L is for Shane J. Lopez: The Importance Of Hope
- L is for Sonja Lyubomirsky: The How Of Happiness
- M is for Abraham Maslow: A Founder of Humanistic Psychology
- M is for Maria Montessori: Her Work Helping Children To Learn
- P is for Christopher Peterson: His Work On Positive Psychology
- P is for Henry Pluckrose: His Pioneering Approach To Education
- P is for Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi: Helping People Fulfil Their Potential
- P is for Positive Psychology
- R is for Babette Rothschild’s Superb Work Providing Safe Trauma Therapy
- R is for Carl Rogers: The Person Centered Approach
- R is for Roots Of Empathy: Changing The World, Child By Child
- R is for Tom Rath: His Work On Strengths And Health
- S is for Al Siebert: His Work On Resilience
- S is for Brother David Steindl-Rast: The Joy of Gratitude
- S is for Dennis Saleebey: Focusing On Strengths in Social Work
- S is for E.F. Schumacher And Small Is Beautiful
- S is for Martin Seligman: His Work On Positive Psychology
- S is for Rick Snyder: His Work On Hope
- S is for Virginia Satir: A Pioneering Family Therapist Who Helped People To Grow
- T is for Rabindranath Tagore’s Work
- U is for William Ury: Solving Conflicts
- W is for Diana Whitney: Her Work On Appreciative Inquiry
- W is for John Wooden: Explaining His Philosophy Of Coaching And Life
- Uncategorized
- Prostate Awareness 10: Date Set For The Operation
- Prostate Awareness 1: Two New Projects, April 12, 2012
- Prostate Awareness 11: “The Operation Went Well.”
- Prostate Awareness 12: The Journey Onwards
- Prostate Awareness 13: Lectures given by Mark Emberton and Hashim Uddin Ahmed
- Prostate Awareness 14: A Second Operation Clearing Things Up Using HIFU
- Prostate Awareness 2: The Project Continues, April 12
- Prostate Awareness 3: Letting People Know, April 14
- Prostate Awareness 4: Researching Options, April 14
- Prostate Awareness 5: The Tests, May 2
- Prostate Awareness 6: Getting The MRI and Other Results, May 10
- Prostate Awareness 7: Meeting with Professor Mark Emberton
- Prostate Awareness 8: Good News Amidst The Gleason Scores
- Prostate Awareness 9: A Key Message For Men – Do An MRI First, Then A Biopsy
- The Recognising Reality Approach Rather Than The Refusing To Recognise Reality Approach
- April 2021
- February 2021
- January 2021
- August 2020
- July 2020
- February 2020
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