V is for Dr. Govindappa Venkataswamy: Sharing The Gift Of Sight

The video above gives a short introduction to the work of Dr. Govindappa Venkataswamy.

Known as Dr. V., he helped many people to see again. Below is a much longer film called Infinite Vision. Here is the introduction.

An eye clinic with 11 beds. A country with 12 million blind. … and one doctor dedicated to a beautiful dream.

Infinite Vision is the story of Dr. V, the legendary eye surgeon from South India who made it his mission to restore sight to the blind and whose work has resulted in one of the world’s most extraordinary models of service delivery.

This film traces the inspiring life journey of a visionary dedicated to serving humanity, outlines the evolution of the Aravind model of eye care and affords glimpses into the spirituality that has guided both for over fifty years in service for sight.

“If you can’t pay them you don’t have to. If you can’t come to them they’ll come to you.

“Each year they bring light to millions of lives. Their services are world-class, but the spirit that drives them is one of a kind…”

The film was written and directed by Pavithra Krishnan, whilst the cinematography and editing was done by Ayla Gustafson.

You can discover more about the Aravind model at:


Finally, here is a tribute to him from the author Pavithra Mehta. She tells the story of her grand-uncle Dr. V. and also talks about his philosophy which was:

“To give sight to all and to see all as one.”

Pavithra says that Dr. V. had the ability to be both practical and profound. He could move from the strategy to the spirit and recognised our deepest connection.

Dr. V.believed that by healing others we were also healing ourselves.  

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