There are many models for doing fine work. One approach is for people to focus on control, clarity and concrete results. They may also sometimes add that touch of class.
This is an approach that can be used in daily life, education, sports, business and many other fields. It enables people to shape their futures and work towards achieving their picture of success.
Different people follow this approach in different situations. Some do this by focusing on the following themes.
Great workers often follow the well-known principles of controlling the controllables. They build on what they can control and manage what they can’t control. This sometimes involves taking the following steps.
They Clarify What They Can
Control In The Situation
Such workers start by clarifying what they can control. Much depends on the situation, of course, but here are some of the things they may be able to control.
They can control their attitude, their emotions and how they apply themselves. They can control their ability to build on their strengths, set specific goals and work towards achieving their picture of success.
They may not be able to control other people, decisions made by other people and the total environment. They can, of course, find ways to manage these events.
People like to feel in control. Bearing this in mind, they therefore focus on the next theme.
They Clarify How They Can Build
On What They Can Control
Great workers aim: a) to build on the things they can control; b) to manage what they can’t control in a situation. They sometimes take the following steps when focusing on this theme.
They clarify how they can stay positive, prepare properly and set specific goals. They clarify how they can get some quick successes, encourage themselves and, if appropriate, encourage other people on the journey.
They clarify how they can manage their emotions regarding events beyond their control. They clarify how they can then buy time to recentre, refocus and get back on track towards achieving their goals.
People often feel better when they build on what they can control and find ways to manage what they can’t. They may then focus on the next theme.
They Clarify How They Can
Do Their Best In The Situation
Great workers believe in taking responsibility. Bearing this in mind, they clarify how they can do their best in the situation. They sometimes take the following steps when focusing on this theme.
They clarify how they can build on their strengths, get some early wins and follow their successful style of working. They clarify how they can follow the strategies most likely to achieve success.
They clarify how they maintain a sense of perspective. Whilst doing their best, they can also see the present situation in terms of achieving their longer-term life goals. They can keep focusing on this bigger picture.
Such people build on what they can control in a situation. They sometimes take this step before clarifying the results it may be possible to achieve in the situation.
Let’s return to your own life. Looking ahead, can you think of a situation where you may want to follow elements of this approach? What may be the things you can control in the situation?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

Great workers believe in establishing clarity. They clarify the real results to achieve and the strategies most likely to achieve success. They also clarify how they can follow these strategies and manage any challenges. Let’s explore these themes.
They Clarify The Real
Results To Achieve
Such workers clarify their picture of success. Bearing in mind what they can control in the situation, they sometimes ask themselves the following questions.
What are the real results I want to achieve? What are the short, medium and long-term goals? What is the picture of success? What may be the benefits of achieving these goals?
Imagine that a person has clarified the real results they want to achieve. They may then focus on the next theme.
They Clarify The Strategies They Can Follow To
Give Themselves The Greatest Chance Of Success
Great workers believe in doing what works and translate this into clear strategies they can follow to achieve their goals. Bearing this in mind, they sometimes explore the following themes.
What are the strategies I can follow to give myself the greatest chance of success? What are the things that are most likely to work in this situation? How can I translate these strategies into a clear action plan?
Imagine that a person has settled on their chosen way forwards. They may then move on to exploring the next theme.
They Clarify How They Can Follow
The Strategies To Achieve Success
Great workers prepare properly. Bearing in mind the pluses and minuses involved, they rate their motivation to do what is required to reach the goals.
They make sure their motivation is at least 7+/10. They then take the following steps.
They rehearse following their chosen strategies. They rehearse how they can prevent or manage any potential challenges. They again rehearse following their strategies towards achieving success.
Imagine that a person has taken these steps. They then pause, collect their thoughts and rehearse what they will do next. They follow their ritual for moving into action and getting a quick success.
Let’s return to your own life. Imagine that you are focusing on a specific situation. How can you clarify the real results you want to achieve and the strategies you want to follow? If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

Concrete Results
Great workers move into action. They follow their chosen strategies and deliver consistently high standards. They aim to find solutions to challenges and achieve the desired concrete results. They also sometimes add that touch of class. They focus on the following themes.
They Deliver Consistently High Standards
Great workers often follow good habits. They build on their strengths and manage the consequences of any weaknesses. Some do this by focusing on the following themes.
They keep doing superb work and delivering high standards. They keep reading reality and focusing on continuous improvement by aiming: a) to build on what is going well; b) to tackle areas for improvement. They then implement these ideas on the way towards their goals.
Imagine that a person is delivering high standards. They may then move on to exploring the next theme.
They Find Creative
Solutions To Challenges
Great workers are good at managing challenges in their chosen field. Such people then aim to buy time to think and find creative solutions. They may focus on the following themes.
They look ahead and clarify the real results they want to achieve. They clarify the possible options going forward and the pluses and minuses of each option. They then settle on the route they want to follow.
Such workers rehearse following their chosen option. They click into action, are fully present and aim to get positive results. They may then move on to exploring the final theme.
They Do Their Best To Achieve
The Desired Concrete Results
Great workers aim to be good finishers. They often find and follow their successful pattern for finishing. Bearing this in mind, they may then focus on the following themes.
They keep doing superb work. They do their best to achieve the desired results. They may then aim to flow, focus and finish successfully. They may also sometimes add that touch of class.
There are many ways to do fine work. One of the most basic approaches is for a person to focus what they can control, clarify the real results they want to achieve and aim to deliver the desired concrete results.
Some people follow this approach in their personal or professional lives. Some follow it when experiencing challenging situations. They then build on what they can control and do their best to achieve positive results.
Let’s return to your own life or work. Imagine you are focusing on a specific situation. How can you work towards achieving your picture of success?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this final theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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