Some people can forecast the feelings they may experience in certain situations in the future. This involves them taking the following steps.
They look ahead and explore the possible options they can pursue in the future;
They forecast the feelings they are likely to experience when pursuing each of these options;
They follow their chosen path and manage the feeling they are likely to experience when pursuing this option.
Many people can forecast the feelings they are likely to have in relatively straightforward situations. They may be aiming to visit a friend, do satisfying work, go for a walk or do another activity. They say:
“If do this activity and behave in a certain way then I am likely to have the following feelings.”
Some people can forecast what they may feel in challenging situations. They may be dealing with a micromanaging boss, turning around an unsuccessful team or doing another activity.
Some can forecast what they may feel during a complex or uncertain experience. They may be launching a business, opting for a certain kind of medical treatment or leading a first responder team.
Some individuals have a memory of the future. They seem able to envisage many scenarios and find solutions. It is almost as if they have already been there. One person expressed this in the following way.
“I transport myself into the future and aim to see, touch and feel what it is like in various scenarios.
“This helps me to deal with any feelings and also find solutions. I can then make better decisions when meeting such challenges.”
Some decision makers have the ability to forecast what other people my feel during an experience. They recognise that people may be about to suffer a loss, make a transition or encounter another challenging experience.
They may therefore aim to shape the experience in a certain way. They may aim to help people: a) to manage any challenging emotions; b) to, when appropriate, build on any possibilities that may emerge from the situation.
Let’s return to your own life and work. Can you think of a specific activity where you have the ability to forecast the feeling that you or others may have during an experience? How can you use this ability in a positive way?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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