There are many ways to manage situations in turbulent times. Some people take the following steps. They take stock, take time to think clearly and take action to shape a positive future during the turbulent time.
Different people follow these steps in different ways. Let’s explore how they may translate these into action.
Step One – Taking Stock
Imagine that a person is facing a challenge. They may have experienced a shock, lost their job or be confronted by a troubling problem that could affect them or their loved ones.
Their first reaction will be to deal with any pressing issues that could be life-changing or cause damage. The aim will be to, as far as possible, stabilise the situation.
Imagine that a person has managed to do this. They may then buy time to take stock of the situation by focusing on the following themes.
They take stock of what is happening in the
situation and what could happen in the future
A person may gather as much relevant information as possible. They may do this by exploring some of the following questions.
What is actually happening in the situation? What could happen if these things continue? What may be the consequences? How can I deal with the effects of these consequences?
Looking at the situation, what could happen in the future? What could be possibilities? What could be done to shape a positive future? What may be the benefits of taking this approach?
Let’s assume that a person has gathered information about what is happening. They may then move on to the next stage.
They take stock of what they believe
it is important to do in the situation
Some people may focus on their inner compass before settling on their plans for tacking the situation. Here are some things they may consider when exploring this theme.
The specific things I believe are
important to do in this situation are:
To be true to myself … To follow my principles … To care for my loved ones … To clarify the results I want to achieve … To do my best to achieve those results.
Imagine that a person has settled on the principles they want to follow in the situation. They may then consider their action plan. Before doing so, however, they may also explore the following theme.
They take stock of their assets and
how they can use these in the situation
Some people focus on how they can use their assets to tackle the situation successfully. Bearing this in mind, they may explore the following themes.
What are my personal and professional assets? What are my strengths? What is my successful style of working? Looking back, when have a tackled a similar situation successfully?
What did I do right then? What were the principles I followed? How can I follow these to principles in the future? How can I use my assets and strengths to tackle the present challenge?
Imagine that a person has taken stock. They may then move on to the next step.
Step Two – Taking
Time To Think Clearly
Good crisis managers take action to deal with any immediate issues and, when appropriate, aim to stabilise the situation. They then buy time to look ahead and plan their strategy. They may explore the following themes.
What are the things I can control in the situation? What are the things I can’t control? How can I do my best to build on what I can control and manage what I can’t?
Looking ahead, what are the real results I want to achieve? What is the picture of success? What are the specific things that will be happening that will show I have achieved success?
What are the possible options going forwards? What are the consequences – the pluses and minuses – of each option? Are there any other potential options?
What is the route I want to take? What are the key strategies I can then follow to give myself the greatest chance of success? How can I manage any potential challenges?
How can I translate these strategies into action? How can I get some quick wins? How can I encourage myself on the journey? What else can I do to increase the chances of achieving success?
Imagine that a person has clarified their strategy. It is then time focus on the next step.
Step Three – Taking Action To Shape
The Future During The Turbulent Times
Good crisis managers move into action and aim to achieve their picture of success. Different people do this in different situations.
They may be working as a first responder, a mediator or a technical problem solver. They may be an individual tackling a personal or professional crisis. Whatever their situation, they may aim:
To manage the present situation but also focus on the possible positive future;
To follow the strategies most likely to achieve the desired results both now and in the future;
To get some quick successes and do their best to achieve their picture of success.
There are many ways to manage situations and shape the future in turbulent times. This piece has looked at how people may people take stock, take time to think and then take action to do what is necessary in the turbulent time.
Looking ahead, can you think of a situation where you may want to follow elements of this approach? If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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