Different people think in different ways when focusing on a topic. Some on the outcomes to achieve; some on the operations to do; some on giving their opinions.
The kind of approach that people take can have an effect on what may be achieved when exploring a particular topic. Let’s consider these different approaches.
The Outcomes Approach
Some people think strategically. They focus on the outcomes – the real result – to achieve. They may take this approach when discussing a topic, exploring a challenge or aiming to achieve certain goals.
They clarify the specific things to be delivered or the destination to be reached. They may also explore the key strategies that can be followed to achieve these aims.
Such people do this when clarifying their own thoughts or having conversations with other people. They explore the following themes.
What are the outcomes – the real results – to achieve? What is the picture of success? What will be the benefits of achieving these goals? What will be happening that will show we have achieved these aims?
How can we do our best to achieve these outcomes? What do we know works in these situations? What are the key strategies we can follow to give ourselves the greatest chance of success?
Leaders who take this approach often start meetings by reminding people of the picture of success. They then invite people to their efforts towards working to achieve these goals.
The Operations Approach
Some people immediately focus on how to get things done. Such people are vital. But they may sometimes jump into doing mode without taking the time required to clarify the real destination.
They may be brilliant operators in their discipline. They may sometimes need to be more strategic, however, and make sure that they are climbing the right mountain before moving into action.
Such people are driven to deliver high quality standards. They are extremely valuable and can be encouraged to channel their efforts towards achieving the desired outcomes.
The Opinions Approach
Some people like to give their opinions about various topics. Sometimes their ideas can help to achieve the goal but sometimes their style of communicating is not necessarily helpful.
They often have strong views that are rooted in their perception of the world. Sometimes they can come across as academic or critical of other people’s efforts.
Such people may bring their ideas to life by giving concrete examples. But some may simply enjoy giving opinions. They do not show how these can be translated into helping people to achieve positive results.
Great teams combine the best elements of these approaches. They focus on: a) the specific outcomes to achieve; b) the specific strategies to put into operation; c) the specific opinions that can help to achieve the outcomes.
Let’s return to your own life and work. Looking ahead, can you think of a situation where you may to follow one or more of these approaches? How can you do this in your own way?
If you wish, try tackling the exercise on this theme. This invites you to complete the following sentences.

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