The Delighted, Driven And Dramatic Approaches

There are many ways to live life. This piece looks at the delighted, driven and dramatic approaches. Read more

The Back Story, Building On Strengths And Brilliant Work In The Future Approach

This article describes how you can help a person to build on their back story, build on their strengths and do brilliant work in the future. Read more

The Play, Principles And Positive Results Approach

This article explores how to retain a sense of play, follow your principles and achieve positive results. Read more

The One Year To Live Approach

This piece invites you to clarify what you would do if you had one year to live. Plus how you can take steps towards doing some of these things now. Read more

The Sense Of Peace Approach

This article focuses on some of the ways a person can experience a sense of peace. Read more

The Pattern Recognition Approach

Pattern recognition is one of the keys to peak performance. This pieces focuses on how people can see patterns in different areas of life. Read more

The Solidity, Sparkle And Success Approach

This piece looks at how people can do the solid work and then add the sparkle on the way towards achieving success. Read more

The Majority Gains Before The Marginal Gains Approach

This piece looks at how you can focus on getting the majority gains before adding the marginal gains. Read more

The Pausing, Preparing And Performing Superbly Approach

This pieces looks at how people can go through the stages of pausing, preparing and performing superbly. Read more

The Pluses And Minuses Approach Rather Than The Risks And Rewards Approach

This article looks at how people can make decisions by following the pluses and minuses approach rather than the risks and rewards approach. Read more